Listings By Emma King

Whalan and Partners Ltd, Bayleys,

Licensed under the TEA Act 2008

+64 375 4700   +64 21 242 9911

The sheer magnitude of buying your first property or selling your beloved family home is something Emma is extremely familiar with, having bought, sold and renovated several times over the last 20 years. This experience has given Emma a greater understanding of the stresses and emotional toll that some of these decisions bring. Having made a career change from an investment advisory role where Emma assisted clients to either start building their wealth or draw down their wealth for retirement, she enjoys working and meeting with people from all age spectrums at entirely different stages of their lives. Her energy, empathy for situations, and efficiency are something she prides herself in and she is committed to achieving great results for her clients. After being raised on a deer farm in North Canterbury and then having 11 years in Dunedin/Southland before then moving to France for three years, she has felt a strong pull to return home to Christchurch. The city of Christchurch remains a special place for all who choose to stay here and Emma is proud to bring her family back to a city that’s had it's heart broken more than once but that’s now well on the mend to being beautiful again. After all, 'Home is where the heart is'.